Keeping Yourself Safe During The Flu Season

A sniff here, a sneeze there, the flu season sneaks in every fall until the winter ends. The common cold is a viral infection of the throat and the upper respiratory tract that is experienced by people almost every year. While it is bothersome, the common cold helps the body develop its natural immunity to fight against viruses.
Let’s us understand more about the common cold and how one can deal with it.
Common Symptoms Of Cold
The symptoms of the common cold can range from mild to severe, depending on the load of viruses that enter the body. General symptoms of the common cold are as follows:
Stuffy or runny nose
Itchy feeling in the nose
Heavy Head
Cough With sputum
Body Ache
Frequent sneezing
Mild Fever
Different Between Flu And Cold
While both the flu and cold affect the respiratory system, the difference between the both is:
Flu, also called influenza, is caused by the influenza virus, while the common cold can be caused by many different viruses.
Symptoms of the flu are more severe than those of the cold and may lead to complications.
It is almost impossible to differentiate between the common cold and the flu just by looking at the symptoms. Therefore one should have a flu test clinic in Garden City to confirm the diagnosis.
Preventions From Cold
Follow these tips to stay safe from seasonal cough and cold:
Drink Plenty Of Water
Staying hydrated helps the immune system fight sickness. It also helps replace the fluid lost due to a runny nose.
Keep An Inhaler Handy
Inhalers help relieve the cough by clearing the congestion in the airway, making breathing easy.
Increase Vitamin C Intake
Consumer vitamin C-rich food items such as oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, and so forth regularly as they are high in antioxidants and help fight the symptoms of the cold.
Wash Hands Regularly
Hand washing can help get rid of a number of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, one should make sure they wash their hands with soap and water, especially before having or cooking food and after coming back from outside. Also, conscious efforts should be made not to touch the noise, ears, and eyes that can cause the virus to spread.
Sleep Adequately
A good night’s sleep of at least 7 to 9 hours allows the body to produce immunity-building cells, which protect the body from seasonal illnesses.
Take The Flu Shot
People with weak immune systems should take flu shots to reduce their risk of developing the infection. It takes two weeks for the effect of the vaccine to show; therefore, it must be taken at the beginning of the season. For flu shots, all you need to do is visit a reliable Garden City flu clinic.
When Is It Time To See A Doctor?
The common cold usually resolves with appropriate rest and healthy food. However, one must consult a doctor without wasting any time if they experience signs like:
Increasing fever despite taking medicines.
Extremely high fever for over three days.
Severe ear pain.
Extreme tiredness.
Difficulty in breathing.
To Sum up:
It is important to strengthen immunity, especially during cold weather, as more people are indoors, which allows the viruses to spread easily. Maintaining good hygiene, eating a balanced diet, and performing mild-intensity exercises regularly can help strengthen immunity and reduce the risk of catching an infection. If you have a persistent cough and cold, visit Garden City Urgent Cares for fast and quality medical care.