Anorexia: A Feast Of Facts, Not Myths

While keeping a check on what you eat and following a diet chart suggested by a nutritionist is a healthy practice, starving oneself to lose weight can be detrimental. Changes in food behaviors, depression, or feeling unhappy with body type are common risk factors for the onset of an eating disorder.
So, if you are looking for a healthy way of dieting, then make sure to connect with professionals at urgent care clinic in Livonia.
What Is An Eating Disorder?
Eating disorders are considered serious conditions related to persistent eating behaviour that negatively impact your health, including your emotions and your ability to function in important areas of life.
The most common eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Today, let’s discuss the basics of Anorexia, which is increasingly recognized as a cause of concern among American adolescents.
What Happens Exactly In Anorexia?
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation, weight loss, unrealistic perception of weight loss, and exaggerated fear of body image. People with Anorexia are preoccupied with calorie intake and weight. There is a tendency to eat an extremely low-calorie diet and have an excessive fear of gaining weight. They may also exercise excessively.
ANOREXIA: Myths & Facts
Myth: Individuals With Anorexia Do Not Eat At All
Fact: people with Anorexia eat, but with extreme calorie restrictions.
A person with Anorexia may eat only specific food within a certain caloric limit. They usually satisfy their hunger with non-caloric beverages like coffee, tea, and aerated drinks with low sugar. Even if they eat regularly, these behaviors can lead to severe undernourishment.
Do not let gaps in your nutrition affect your health. Make sure to consume a well-balanced diet.
Myth: Men Generally Do Not Suffer From Anorexia
Fact: Hundreds of Men Suffer From Anorexia
Anorexia is typically considered a women’s disorder and is not talked about enough in men. However, it may have slightly different symptoms in men, where they aspire to be lean and muscular, as opposed to being extremely thin.
Myth: Anorexia Is An Unstoppable Obsession With Being a Thing
Fact: Anorexia is not a lifestyle choice; rather, it may have anxiety and lack of control in its backdrop.
Although individuals with Anorexia do desire to be a thing, it is not something they simply choose. Events like physical illnesses, childhood bullying, major depression, anxiety, social phobia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder may raise the risk of developing Anorexia as well.
Myth: Anorexia Does Not Possess Major Health Risks
Fact: Anorexia can cause serious medical complications that may need treatment.
People with Anorexia can be highly prone to malnutrition, which can affect nearly every organ in the body. In severe cases, as per studies, vital organs such as your brain, heart, and kidneys can sustain damage. In addition to physical concerns, those with Anorexia also commonly have other mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and so forth. If these are left untreated, they could even lead to self-harming thoughts.
Anorexia Also Involves Behavioral Elements, Not Just Physical!
Some people live with the wrong notion that they can recover from Anorexia on their own, while others remain in denial. Many also feel hesitant to seek help because they fear stigmatization. Do not shy away from the conditions.
If you or someone you know is dealing with an excessive urge to not eat or to look a certain way, do not hesitate to seek help. Visit Garden City Urgent Cares, Westland urgent care walk-in clinic for fast and quality medical care.